Mejorando Mi Quinta

Quinta in Jesús María
One of the most distinctive sights in Lima are its ageing 50s and 60s era buildings. The majority of these in districts such as Jesús María have long since been converted into multi-family residences, while others were built specifically for this purpose.
Quintas – multi-family residences usually characterised by an internal courtyard or passage way to different homes – mostly date from this period. These of course are not owned by high income families and over the years can fall into disrepair.
It would be sad to see these disappear, so I’m glad to hear about the program “Mejorando Mi Quinta”, Improving My Quinta by the municipality of Jesús María. With the aim of improving the quality of life of residents, the program will help about 500 low-income families by restoring and carrying out maintenance and structural work on at least 50 quintas.
Aimed only at buildings more than 40 years old, work will also be conducted on water and sewage connections, painting exteriors and improving common areas.
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Tags: historic buildings, jesus maria, lima, quinta, restoration