Pisac – the market town

November 6th, 2006

We arrived in Pisac to see the ruins, town and market. Unfortunately after spending the night here we had to return to Cusco to buy our tickets to Machu Picchu.

The journey here from Cusco was cheap and easy, a little over S./2 each on a local bus, and it takes no more than 45 minutes. We took a similar bus back to Cusco, bought the tickets from the guy who wouldn’t sell them to us the day before, and the bus back to Pisaq again. This took no more than a couple of hours with a added stop in plaza Rimaq-Pampa to use the internet. Within no time we were back in Pisaq.

The market had grown massively since we first took a look before we left that morning. The prices hadn’t changed though and we still couldn’t afford to buy any of the really nice hand-woven mats they had there. Or the copper Inca figurines or weapons.

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