Perros Abandonados

June 25th, 2007 1 Comment

Lima, like many of South America’s cities, is one that you can’t help but notice has streets full of stray dogs. Some are born on the streets, but the vast majority are dumped by their owners after being bought as puppies, as if toys, from Lima’s many pet shops. Some are lucky and end up being taken in by people who want their allotments of land guarded, some are less lucky and end up starving, being beaten to death by passers-by or poisoned.
Others are very lucky, like the dog we found walking the streets of Villa El Salvador last week. The two month only cross-breed puppy we called Lucky is now doing well after being taken to the vets. He is still bald in parts due to the thousands of lice and fleas he had but the hair will soon grow back.

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