Valle de Chillón

March 23rd, 2008

The Chillón valley is the northern most of the three main valleys that end/begin in metropolitan Lima, the others being the Rimac and Lurin valleys.

As with all valleys leading into the mountains from Lima’s desert coast, the Chillón starts sandy and dry but soon starting turning green the higher up you go, especially during the Andean rainy season which is yet to finish.

The small town of Santa Rosa de Quives, home to Lima’s very own Saint Rosa when she was young, lays along the way to the town of Canta, as doing ancient petroglyphs carved into rocks above the valley. Past Canta, continuing along the valley, you pass trout fish farms, ancient ruins, forests of Puya Raimondii, small Andean towns and you eventually reach the cordillera of the Andes at 4500masl and the lagoons that sit below.

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