“Cuerazos Peruanos” – Basta de Racismo

May 5th, 2007

Watching TV or looking at the advertisements across Latin America, you might notice something strange, particularly in countries like Peru. The models and actors look nothing like the majority of the population; they are overwhelmingly fair skinned whilst the population isn’t. In Latin America, and in Perú, there is an unfortunate correlation between what is considered beautiful in a person and the amount of European blood they have.

In an effort to change this view and end the re-enforcement of this discriminatory attitude, a group from the Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos has organised an event called “Cuerazos Peruanos” – Hansom Peruvians, in which people have been invited to demonstrate outside two of the biggest offenders, the Ripley and Saga Falabella department stores. In this event people are invited to a photo shoot where they, regardless of race, can be models – at least for a few seconds.

Photos –

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