Jockey Plaza Christmas

December 23rd, 2006

Jockey Plaza, Lima’s massive shopping Mecca, was packed full of Peruvians starting their Christmas shopping. Last minute Christmas shopping is seen throughout the world, but here it seems to be more frantic. The normal pristine Ripley department store has clothes strew across the floor.
Jockey Plaza also has a Santa’s Grotto set up outside, where kids a made to “bring a gift to help Santa” to get to meet him – quite the opposite to the UK where a visitor to Santa would receive a small gift. It’s quite good though as these gifts are given to poor kids who wouldn’t otherwise get anything.
Coca Cola seem to be going all-out to re-associate themselves with a character they popularised. As the kids meet Papa Noél aka Santa Claus he is sipping of a bottle of Coke – and surprise surprise children can buy a refreshing bottle themselves on this warm and humid Limeño festive night.

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